Friday, August 13, 2010

Making it right -- Is it too late?

Michael A. Green was recently released after spending 27 years of his life serving the crime he did not commit.

Here is the full story published in the NewYork Times:

His compensation of $2.2 million did not help him coping with several questions he has been facing:
  • Why was he convicted 27 years ago?
  • What should he do with the rest of his life?
  • Here is the account of Mr. Green about his free life:

    "Mr. Green, in the meantime, said the experience of freedom had “been a trip.” Just stepping in a grocery store or shopping for clothing at a mall overwhelms his senses, he said.

    But the best years of his life are lost forever, he says. He wonders what happened to his girlfriend, whom he lost contact with after being sent to prison. He breaks down when talking about his mother’s death in 2006 and how he missed the funeral."

Mr. Green's story is sad evidence of a failure of justice system and our society to correct the wrongdoings to people's lives.

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